Last weekend, my husband and I went to an art show across the street from our house. Walking through the different tents, I noticed one with carved wooden Maasai men. As soon as I saw them, I knew where the artist must be from... so I went up and asked him "Are you from Kenya?" and he said "Yes!!" We talked for 15 minutes and it turns out that I had visited the town where he is from. Meeting him made my day! I wanted to buy one of his stone animals, so I got this little turtle. It may be a tortoise. I don't really know. I thought it would be a great subject of a painting.
This is what I started to paint. Then I realized, I couldn't really see a turtle in this painting. I just hated it... so I went over it with turpentine and now its gone. Now that I'm looking at it again, I don't think its that bad and maybe I should have kept it! I will probably paint another cross... and I'll just have to paint the turtle another time.

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