My husband and I started a new project last week. We ended up with his old dresser that he had since he was a baby and throughout childhood. I had been wanting to trying repainting furniture for a while, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I was nervous about trying it on this particular piece, because of its sentimental value. But of course, we just decided to wing it.

We started out by sanding the thing to death. I think we may have gone overboard with the sanding, but we wanted to be sure we got off all the shine from the finish. After priming it, we chose an off white color for the paint. After looking at a plethora of off white paint, I chose the color marzipan, for no other reason that I happen to like marzipan.(If you don't know what marzipan is, its an almond candy.)

After the paint finally dried, we sanded it a little more to give it a rugged look. I wanted to give it some nice new hardware so I ordered some from I love the color turquoise and I think it makes the whole thing pop. Even though the knobs we chose were expensive, I didn't mind as much because the piece is so special.

It has belonged to my husband his whole life, and its our first major project we worked on together. This is our finished product. I love it!

that looks great!
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