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Monday, January 3, 2011

This post has no title...

So in case anyone cares, I haven't blogged in 8 months. I haven't painted at all during that time either... which is probably why I have had no reason to blog. I have wanted to and have been thinking about painting for a while, but for some reason I just can't bring myself to do it. Its been a very difficult and terrible year to say the least.
Here are a few things worth blogging about:
  • Something that I could have mentioned on my blog several months ago was that I sold a painting! Not to a family friend, but to a complete stranger! I have to say, I think its a big deal.
  • I'm also starting graphic design school next week! I have really been looking for a legitimate "career path" and I am hoping that this will help somehow. I am also hoping it will make me a better artist.
  • I got commissioned for the first time! One of my best friends asked me to do a painting for her and her husband. She sent me some photographs of what she would like and I started doing some sketches today. I'm excited and I hope they like it!
I am thankful that its a new year and I am hoping and praying to find some inspiration again.