Yesterday, I took six of my paintings to a store nearby to see if I could consign them. They told me that the owners would talk it over and see if they wanted to take them. I left there feeling pretty confident that they would. I got a call a few hours later saying they didn't want them because they just didn't sell a lot of canvases usually. I was sort of disappointed, but I didn't take it personally. Today, I went to pick them up and the woman I had spoken to the day before couldn't have been more cold to me. AND I noticed that there were a ton of canvases in the store. Then I was offended.
I was feeling kind of down, but I tried not to let it bother me. I just have felt sort of down lately in general for various reasons. On my way home, I decided to stop by another store that sells art called Restless Native. The owner was filling out paper work, but I introduced myself and asked her if they were ever looking for new artists. She said she was appointment only but asked how many paintings I had. I told her only about 6. She said to bring them in! I did... and she decided to take all but one! Who knows if I'll sell any? I couldn't be more excited about it and I'm very thankful!