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Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm sort of excited.

Yesterday, I took six of my paintings to a store nearby to see if I could consign them. They told me that the owners would talk it over and see if they wanted to take them. I left there feeling pretty confident that they would. I got a call a few hours later saying they didn't want them because they just didn't sell a lot of canvases usually. I was sort of disappointed, but I didn't take it personally. Today, I went to pick them up and the woman I had spoken to the day before couldn't have been more cold to me. AND I noticed that there were a ton of canvases in the store. Then I was offended.
I was feeling kind of down, but I tried not to let it bother me. I just have felt sort of down lately in general for various reasons. On my way home, I decided to stop by another store that sells art called Restless Native. The owner was filling out paper work, but I introduced myself and asked her if they were ever looking for new artists. She said she was appointment only but asked how many paintings I had. I told her only about 6. She said to bring them in! I did... and she decided to take all but one! Who knows if I'll sell any? I couldn't be more excited about it and I'm very thankful!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


So like I said last time, I haven't really painted in a while. One thing have been trying to learn how to do is knit. I've crocheted since I was like 12. I know its very "grandma" but I think its very relaxing and not very hard. Its practical and allows you to be creative.
My mom and I heard about this knitting store in Sarasota called Picasso's Moon. All you do is buy the needles and yarn and the owner of the store teaches you how to knit for free. According to this woman, I am making a purse. When I'm finished, I'm going to felt it in the washing machine so the colors will blend together and it will hide all my mistakes. I guess it will be a dark yellow.
I'm glad I'm learning how to knit, but I have to say that crocheting is much faster and easier. This purse seems to be taking forever, but I will be sure to post a picture when it is finished.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Its Officially Springtime!

I never thought I would be so happy to have hot weather again! It has been the longest and coldest winter I've ever seen in Florida. Thank you Lord for some springtime and beach weather!
I painted this a few months ago. It took me about 10 minutes to paint. Its nothing special but its sort of cute. I thought I would post it in honor of amazing and beautiful weather that we are now having.
I haven't been seriously spending a lot of time on painting lately, but I hope I will get back into it soon... Right now I'm going to the beach.